Joe White Enterprises

2 Day In House HTST Training for HTST Operators,
Maintenance Technicians and Supervisors

J White Enterprises LLC is pleased to offer an in‐plant HTST training program for Maintenance Technicians. This class is designed to help Maintenance Personnel develop a thorough knowledge of their actual operating system. Unlike many other HTST classes offered throughout the country our class does not focus solely on how to operate a modern High Temperature Short Time Pasteurizer. Our presentation follows the product flow through the entire system while focusing on each and every component involved. We discuss what each component does, how it operates, the Regulatory requirements and some of the mechanical failures and how to deal with them. While designed with the Maintenance Technician in mind this class has great benefit for Operators, Supervisors and anyone who wants to understand the actual working fundamentals of a modern day HTST system.


With animated drawings of 10 different HTST systems showing Diverted, Flush and Forward Flow of each system we discuss the many different ways to design a modern HTST system. While one of these animated drawings will be very close to your existing system, we take a copy of your existing HTST P&ID and animate it in a like manor to be used throughout the class. This will allow your Maintenance Technicians, Operators and Supervisors to not only have hands on experience with their own HTST but they will be able to watch its flow throughout the training. The accompanying manual that each attendee uses during the class and keeps contains all of the power point slides used in the Course.


Course Outline
  • One and one half days in class going over 360+ power point slides covering Pasteurization History, Milk Microbiology, Purpose of Pasteurization, and all HTST Components starting with product supply pump and ending with the discharge / recycle valve, Recording Charts & Seals, HTST System Integrity, HTST Cleaning and Regulatory Compliance
  • With attendee participation and using the animated flow through the HTST we can discuss any problems or issues that may be occurring in your system such as entrained air in your product, product burn on in the press, or cleaning issues.
  • On the second afternoon we go to the chosen HTST where each attendee has the opportunity to follow the product flow through the system in Diverted flow and then Forward Flow while describing the major components and what is happening to the product at that time.
  • A review sheet is given to attendees to complete. After the papers are checked, they are returned to the attendees and the correct answers are discussed.
  • All attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance after the completion of the class.

Recommended class size is 10 to 12 attendees. A common schedule is to have one class on Tuesday and Wednesday with a second class on Thursday and Friday.

Contact J White Enterprises LLC for any questions or to schedule classes